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Praising God

  • On Sunday, the community gathers to praise God through music, prayer, and proclaiming God's Word..

  • The Sacrament of Holy Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month as well as on Maundy Thursday and during other special services. Extended communion is provided by elders to shut-ins following the service. The Presbyterian Church (USA) practices open communion. All are invited to the Lord’s Table.

  • Nursery care is available for infants and small children during part or all of the service as desired.

  • The Chancel Choir Ensemble directed by Roberto Garza includes section leaders who are music majors at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. The combination of classical, traditional, and contemporary music is enhanced by our acoustically excellent sanctuary with a full grand piano and the finest pipe organ in the Rio Grande Valley.

  • Members of the Worship Calling assist the pastor and choir director plan regular and special services. Members of the congregation serve as ushers and liturgists, help prepare and serve communion, run the sound system, and sing in the choir. Children serve as acolytes and frequently are called on to participate in services in other ways.

  • Starting in 2016 a Spanish worship service led by Rev. Moises Flores and followed by fellowship and coffee meets each Sunday at 5 p.m. in the parlor. 

Growing spiritually

  • Two adult classes meet on Sundays at 9 a.m. A  Bible class combines The Present Word curriculum with coffee and doughnuts. “The Questers” class focuses on contemporary theological issues through books, videos and discussion.

  • Youth Ministry for young people in Grades 6-12 meets on Sunday afternoons during  the school year for program, fellowship and food. Friends are welcome. Twice a year youth group members are responsible for the Sunday Worship Service. Youth members participate in Mission Presbytery retreats, conferences and camps, Main Event for Youth in September, Midwinter Youth Conference ,and summer conference or mission trips such as Montreat Youth Conference in North Carolina or Heifer Ranch International in Arkansas.

  • A year-long Confirmation Class that includes mentoring, study, and a retreat is held as needed.

  • A children’s Sunday School class meets seasonally during a portion of the 10:30 a.m. worship service.

  • Advent and Lenten materials are provided to families and adults for enrichment at home. Prayer stations are set at various times that offer a focus on spiritual practices.

  • An annual Lenten study meets weekly beginning with a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper. .

  • An annual Fall Festival brings together families from the church, the Lynn Flowers Day School and the Su Casa de Esperanza Community Center.

Caring for each other

  • Members who cannot attend worship receive regular visits and phone calls. Meals and other support are provided as needed and desired to families dealing with serious illness or death.

  • Extended communion is distributed to shut-ins by elders following worship on the first Sunday of the month.  

  • Members of the Prayer Quilt Ministry craft lap quilts for people who are seriously ill or grieving a loss. More than 150 quilts, tied with prayer knots, have delivered love, healing and joy to grateful recipients. The quilters meet on the first and third Tuesday afternoons of each month from September through June. Quilting skill is not required but there is no guarantee newcomers won’t catch the "quilting bug.“

  • Space for God—a small group ministry comprised of women, mostly but not exclusively church members, meets weekly on Thursday mornings to meditate, read and discuss books (and videos), lend support to other groups in the church and community, and share the joys and challenges of their lives.

  • Fellowship is a large part of the Congregational Care Ministry. Loving hands cook or arrange for food for the many community gatherings that nourish the spirit: holiday meals, special receptions, Second Sunday birthday and anniversary recognition and other festivities.  






Books available in the Church office


A Century of Faith by Vinson McLeod - published in 2008 as part of the Church's Centennial Celebration.



Angels in the Parlor - a collection of reminiscences about church members, past and present, compiled and published by Cory Raymond in 2018 as part of  the Church's "110 Years Strong"


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